Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Group

I finished Mary McCarthy's The Group last night.  I like this book :)  It isn't particularly happy, but I liked it.  Of course, I also loved The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. 

It was nice seeing a realistic approach to life after college during an economic depression surrounded by political turmoil throughout the world.  Sounds a little like now, doesn't it?  The girls graduated from Vassuer in 1933, but they don't feel very removed from us.  I like that you can still relate to these very real women even though the book was written over fifty years ago.  I know a lot has changed since then, but somethings about human  nature will always stay the same.

I also appreciate that this book was so taboo for it's time.  In today's culture, what made the book taboo then doesn't even make anyone blink anymore.  At all.  I wish our society had held on to some of that modesty and innocence... 

The next book we will read is Emma by Jane Austen.  I will probably start it tonight.  Please continue this literary journey with us!